The Geek Beat: Out of Time
Welcome fellow geeks to an edition of The Geek Beat that isn't simply late; this is one of those blogs that's way, way beyond late - it's so incredibly wide of where it should be in fact, this ol' blog may as well have been rerouted and forced to make an emergency landing. Why? Probably because there was an unruly passenger on board refusing to sit down as the guy next to him smelled like piss. You only have to glance at the screen-that-used-to-be-your-newspaper for references to 'civil disobedience' around the world today to see how outrage is responded to by the powers that be: out with the out, let's simply treat it as rage, and deal with it accordingly... and if that means labelling a frustrated customer as a 'terrorist' or finally getting to use those water cannons to hose down the great unwashed with a pressurised blast of hydro-justice, then bingo for saving western civilisation and double bingo for job satisfaction.
Welcome fellow geeks to an edition of The Geek Beat that isn't simply late; this is one of those blogs that's way, way beyond late - it's so incredibly wide of where it should be in fact, this ol' blog may as well have been rerouted and forced to make an emergency landing. Why? Probably because there was an unruly passenger on board refusing to sit down as the guy next to him smelled like piss. You only have to glance at the screen-that-used-to-be-your-newspaper for references to 'civil disobedience' around the world today to see how outrage is responded to by the powers that be: out with the out, let's simply treat it as rage, and deal with it accordingly... and if that means labelling a frustrated customer as a 'terrorist' or finally getting to use those water cannons to hose down the great unwashed with a pressurised blast of hydro-justice, then bingo for saving western civilisation and double bingo for job satisfaction.
Wow. Not sure how I got onto that point. Or maybe I am. More on that later. The title of this week's Geek Beat is Out of Time - and that's apt for a couple of reasons. Firstly, apologies regular readers for the horrible lateness of this blog. I always strive to keep it weekly but sometimes that rhythm becomes more and more difficult to maintain and I find myself blogging once a fortnight or even less frequently than that... so The Geek Beat is officially Out of Time to the hopefully cheery tune that is your life. My blog is a bit like one of those dads dancing, awkwardly bopping around, terribly and self-consciously aware that the languid, rhythmic movements that once allowed him to glide around the dance floor like a sex magnet have gone, leaving him instead throwing shapes with all the coolness and grace of an old Action Man figure gaffer taped to a burning cat.
We're Out of Time in another way too, you and I. The purpose of this blog was always four-fold. To sharpen my skills as a novice writer; to entertain you, my dear reader; to act as a platform and get my words out there into the incalculable vastness of cyberspace and to give me an excuse to get out of the washing up. And just like Frodo's little Fellowship, The Geek Beat has fulfilled its purpose. Apart from maybe the entertainment part - that's for you to decide meine freunde (did I spell it right this time MK?) - over five thousand of you have clocked in since I opened up shop back in January; on top of that, writing regularly has helped me to find my voice and develop my style too. I'm not dying - I should probably point that out right away because I've just scanned the last paragraph and it reads like I'm about to say a final farewell before I kick the breathing habit and head for the great steakhouse in the sky. Nor is the blog breathing its last: it's been comatose for a few weeks but it's not done yet... when The Geek Beat finally does bite the big one it'll go down in a blaze of glory - like a chimpanzee piloting a rocket car into a firework factory... not meekly into the night like some introvert sheep.
So get to the point already, I hear you cry. How exactly are you Out of Time and when are you going to start talking about comics or Star Wars or video games or something? Truth be told dear reader, this week... I'm not. The reason The Geek Beat has been dormant these last few weeks isn't because I've been lying on my sofa in my underwear playing Witcher III and barking at the postman when he dares to enter my territory (well, that is partly what I've been doing) but rather because I've been writing. A lot. The point of The Geek Beat was always to act as a kind of crutch, a literary version of a support group where I could play with words, free from trolls and judgement. A safe place, if you will. And it worked. My writing has improved and because of that, it's moving to different places. My fine friends over at soon-to-launch startup site Indie Gravy have engaged my services and as well as publishing regular blogs over there, I'll also be popping up on their forthcoming YouTube channel, discussing all manner of indie-flavoured goodness. I'd especially love to hear from you if you're an indie comics creator... Chances are we can do some good things for you in terms of exposure so hit me up via Twitter if that's the case... or (as of about two seconds ago) we suddenly grew a Facebook page so head over there and get in touch.
So get to the point already, I hear you cry. How exactly are you Out of Time and when are you going to start talking about comics or Star Wars or video games or something? Truth be told dear reader, this week... I'm not. The reason The Geek Beat has been dormant these last few weeks isn't because I've been lying on my sofa in my underwear playing Witcher III and barking at the postman when he dares to enter my territory (well, that is partly what I've been doing) but rather because I've been writing. A lot. The point of The Geek Beat was always to act as a kind of crutch, a literary version of a support group where I could play with words, free from trolls and judgement. A safe place, if you will. And it worked. My writing has improved and because of that, it's moving to different places. My fine friends over at soon-to-launch startup site Indie Gravy have engaged my services and as well as publishing regular blogs over there, I'll also be popping up on their forthcoming YouTube channel, discussing all manner of indie-flavoured goodness. I'd especially love to hear from you if you're an indie comics creator... Chances are we can do some good things for you in terms of exposure so hit me up via Twitter if that's the case... or (as of about two seconds ago) we suddenly grew a Facebook page so head over there and get in touch.
And that's not all: some of my stuff will be making an appearance on one of the UK's biggest and most beloved geek sites... That's right... yours truly is the latest writer for Den of Geek, the beating heart of global geek culture. With a couple of million registered users and way more beyond that, it really is the the spiritual home of Geekdom. My first article went up today and you can find it here but keep 'em peeled for more to come in the coming weeks.
So where does that leave The Geek Beat? Is this goodbye? Are we really Out of Time?
So where does that leave The Geek Beat? Is this goodbye? Are we really Out of Time?
Of course not dear reader! Things are just going to change a little. I'll endeavour to keep posting on The Geek Beat as regularly as possible but if you want to follow my writing regularly then you need to follow me on Twitter @VertigoDC - from there, I'll be pointing you in the direction of all of my latest efforts be they Indie Gravy, Geek Beat, Den of Geek, YouTube or other countless other bastions of geek lore.
And what of my early anti-powers-that-be rant in this edition? I told you I'd come back to it. Like a lot of people this week I rocked up to Banksy's bemusement park, Dismaland to get a taste of entry-level anarchism... and maybe just a little rubbed off on me?
Aside from the surly stormtroopers and water-polluted Little Mermaids, I saw a lot to talk about... and talk about it I will. Next week on The Geek Beat.
Or maybe the week after.
Or you might have to wait three weeks or so.
Or find it on Indie Gravy?
On reflection, it's probably just quicker if you go visit the place yourself. It might be quicker.
Until next time. Now go follow me on Twitter dear reader, otherwise who knows when we'll meet again?
That's all from The Geek Beat this week folks. This has been a Vertigo production.
Head back this way next week (or maybe in a couple!) for something else... the Dismaland review or maybe even an update on the fabled ANA Project.
Until then be sure to follow me @VertigoDC but remember... Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It.
Later Potatoes.